LeYa Digital Classroom

Embracing the 21st Century Learning Challenges Digitally

Students using the platform
Resources available
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  • Product Definition and Concept
  • UI/UX Design
  • Frontend Development
  • Backend Development
  • Project Management
  • Quality Assurance
  • Devops and Infrastructure
  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS
What we delivered
  • Resource Management App
  • Product Generation Backoffice
  • User Content Portal

The challenge

Within a tight 15-month timeline, Leya entrusted us to construct a custom remote education platform from scratch. Our solution? A dynamic kiosk mode designed for use on both student and teacher laptops. Additionally, we established a comprehensive backoffice solution to ensure a smooth transition of all existing content onto our innovative platform.

Premium Minders looking happy and focused working on the project
A showcase of multiple screens of the application

The solution

Digital Classroom is a user-friendly platform where teachers and students can access LeYa Educação textbooks and a range of digital tools for better lessons and student support.

Architecture and

  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • AWS Cloud
  • Ansible
  • Neo4j Graph DB
  • PostgreSQL
  • QTI Specification
  • Apache Jackrabbit

The results

With the web-based digital classroom, students effortlessly access educational content and exercises. Meanwhile, our backoffice solution revolutionizes resource management, effortlessly accommodating images, videos, interactive games, and book annotations.

The process

  • Strategy


    • Research and discovery
    • MVP Concept
    • Product Roadmap
  • Experience


    • User Experience
    • Design and Interaction
    • Usability Test
  • Build


    • Development
    • Quality Assurance
    • DevOps
  • Launch


    • Cloud Hosting
    • In-house hosting
    • App Store Launch
  • Growth


    • New Features
    • Monitoring and support
    • Analytics

Do you have a challenge we could help with? Let's talk.

Paulo Jesus
Say hi to Paulo
Or email us atsoftware@pminds.pt

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