Responsibility and Autonomy: the core of our culture
We understand that a strong company culture emerges from meaningful human interactions. That's why we place immense value on responsibility and autonomy, making them central to everything we do. Our shared office space is more than just a workplace; it's a home where these values come to life, fostering a community of innovation and collaboration.
Alexandre DuarteSoftware Engineer
Alexandre FernandesFinance & Administration Advisor
Ana MartinsQuality Engineer
André AlvesSoftware Engineer
André AmadoSoftware Engineer
André CamiloChief Technology Officer
André FerreiraSoftware Engineer
André GarçãoSoftware Engineer
André MendesQuality Engineer
André NicolauSoftware Engineer
André SilvaSoftware Engineer
André SoaresSoftware Engineer
André VazOperations & Support Engineer
Andreia CalistoUI Designer
António PereiraSoftware Engineer
Bárbara MarcelinoUI Designer
Bernardo AbreuDigital Marketing Specialist
Bruno SantosSoftware Engineer
Carlos CardosoSoftware Engineer
Carlos NorteOperations & Support Engineer
Carlos SantosIT Engineer
Carlos SousaSoftware Engineer
Carolina RodriguesProduct Manager
Catarina LimaSoftware Engineer
Cláudia DuarteManagement Support
Cláudio RibeiroSoftware Engineer
Daniel BentoSoftware Engineer
Daniel GuerraSoftware Engineer
Daniel SantosQuality Engineer
Danilo SuaidenProduct Manager
David GonçalvesProduct Manager
David PintoProduct Manager
Diogo FerreiraSoftware Engineer
Diogo MartinsSoftware Engineer
Diogo SousaAdministrative Assistant
Eduardo BarrancosSoftware Engineer
Filipa CamposProduct Manager
Filipe FernandesSoftware Engineer
Filipe LargaSoftware Engineer
Filipe RoqueSoftware Engineer
Filipe RoxoSoftware Engineer
Francisca OrdazProduct Manager
Francisco AreiaProduct Manager
Francisco MateusIT Engineer
Francisco SilvaSoftware Engineer
Franco ArriolaQuality Engineer
Gil BrandãoSoftware Engineer
Gonçalo AndradeSoftware Engineer
Gonçalo MidõesDevOps Engineer
Gonçalo NascimentoSoftware Engineer
Gonçalo RodriguesSoftware Engineer
Gonçalo SerranoOperations & Support Engineer
Guilherme MascarenhasSoftware Engineer
Guilherme PalmaSoftware Engineer
Gustavo CastroSoftware Engineer
Hélder FreitasIT Engineer
Hugo PintoSoftware Engineer
Henrique ReynoldsSoftware Engineer
Inês Beja CostaProduct Manager
Joana AraújoUI Designer
Joana BotelhoProduct Manager
Joana CorreiaQuality Engineer
Joana VelhoSoftware Engineer
João AlmeidaSoftware Engineer
João BernardoSoftware Engineer
João DeodatoSoftware Engineer
João MendesSoftware Engineer
João NevesSoftware Engineer
João OliveiraSoftware Engineer
João OlíviaProduct Manager
João ParganaSoftware Engineer
João PimentaSoftware Engineer
João PintoDevOps Engineer
João PortilheiroProduct Manager
João SantosWeb Developer
João SilvaSoftware Engineer
João TripaOperations & Support Engineer
Joaquim SimasSoftware Engineer
Jorge GodinhoSoftware Engineer
José CoelhoSoftware Engineer
José LagesWeb Developer
José SerranoSoftware Engineer
José TrigoQuality Engineer
Mafalda BarrelaSenior Administrative Assistant
Mafalda MatiasSoftware Engineer
Manuel OsórioProduct Manager
Marco CostaSoftware Engineer
Margarida MendesPeople & Culture Ambassador
Margarida PereiraProduct Manager
Margarida UmbelinaTalent Acquisition
Maria DantasPeople Operations
Mariana PereiraUX Designer
Mariana VelezQuality Engineer
Marina GomesSoftware Engineer
Marisa MonteiroQuality Engineer
Massilon LourençoSoftware Engineer
Miguel DumienseSoftware Engineer
Miguel EleutérioSoftware Engineer
Miguel MartinsSoftware Engineer
Miguel MatosDevOps Engineer
Miguel MaurícioOperations & Support Engineer
Miguel TavaresSoftware Engineer
Mónica SilvérioChief Client Officer
Natália FazendaUX Designer
Nelson MacedoChief Information Security Officer
Nuno GonçalvesSoftware Engineer
Nuno PimentaSoftware Engineer
Nuno PiresProduct Manager
Óscar GallegoSpain General Manager
Pablo BorchesSales Manager Spain
Patrícia MartinsQuality Engineer
Paulo JesusBusiness Development Manager
Paulo OliveiraSoftware Engineer
Pedro CorreiaSoftware Engineer
Pedro DiasChairman
Pedro GonzálezSoftware Engineer
Pedro MagritoWeb Developer
Pedro RibeiroSoftware Engineer
Rafael GasparSoftware Engineer
Ricardo MoraisSoftware Engineer
Ricardo LapãoSoftware Engineer
Ricardo PereiraOperations & Support Engineer
Rodrigo DiasCEO
Rúben BentoOperations & Support Engineer
Ruben TeixeiraIT Engineer
Rui CostaSoftware Engineer
Rui LopesHead of Quality
Rui MartinsSoftware Engineer
Rui TorresSoftware Engineer
Santiago BenitoProduct Manager
Sara GuerreiroSoftware Engineer
Sérgio SantosSoftware Engineer
Susana CorreiaProduct Manager
Tiago FonsecaData Scientist
Tiago FloresSoftware Engineer
Tiago RobaloProduct Manager
Tiago SantosChief People Officer
Vasco FerreiraSoftware Engineer
Vera DiasProduct Manager
Vítor CairesSoftware Engineer
Wilson SuludeTalent Acquisition
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