Filipe Roque
Software Engineer
5 articles published
Manager's tests fail in Windows - Time Zones (Part 2)
In an effort to remove the AbstractTestBase class and correct the unit tests that are sensitive to EOL characters, new tests failed...
Manager's tests fail in Windows - End of Line Characters (Part 1)
It's Friday, and I finished the card. What now? Since I'll be going on vacation for some weeks, there is really no point in starting on a...
VB6 Case Changes
One of the top 10 most voted Visual Basic 6 questions on Stack Overflow is this one: Stop Visual Basic 6 from changing my casing.
SQL Group By
There's a SQL query idiom I see a lot, which I'd like to discuss. Using the classic Northwind database example, let's look at the two tab...
Bug Conspiracy
There is a burst of energy that happens upon finding the source of an elusive bug, which is driving me to write this post.

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